
Spreading the culture of self-employment

Dulani Center works on providing various packages of public lectures, seminars and direct meetings in different topics related to business fields to spread the culture of self-employment among male and female citizens.

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العمل الحر

Dulani Center works on providing various packages of public lectures, seminars and direct meetings in different topics related to business fields to spread the culture of self-employment among male and female citizens.

Self-employment culture program

A program targeting the existing enterprise segment

Successful marketing campaigns for small businesses

Establishing technical projects for non-programmers

Marketing your project through social media

Develop, Launch Add in your brand

Human capital budgeting for startups

How do you promote your project?

how to be a marketer?

Managing my finances

Entrepreneur life

Skills of presenting your project to an investor

Marketing of entrepreneurial projects

National day

Initiatives of the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority for small businesses

Corporate Governance

The skills of presenting your project to an investor

Franchise industry

The impact of volunteer work on entrepreneurship

Electronic billing

Zakat items platform

Launch and stability at the top projects

Establishing and operating companies

Launch and stability at the top projects