

Dulani Business Center

Dulani Business Center offers an integrated package of non-financial services to entrepreneurs who own small and micro enterprises.


Preparing and implementing innovative programs to transform ideas into reality and meet the needs of innovators, entrepreneurs, and freelancers to develop and their projects.

Financial Management Program

Financial Management Program

This program is specially designed to qualify managers and owners of establishments to learn about the importance of accounting principles and concepts, train them to read financial statements, and introduce them to the objectives and functions of financial management in any establishment to ensure the quality of financial operations in their establishment.

Microenterprise Rehabilitation and Empowerment Program

Microenterprise Rehabilitation and Empowerment Program

A specialized program to support productive families, by providing the necessary knowledge to develop their projects, transform families from pastoralism to production, and achieve sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Tassis Program

Tassis Program

A specialized program for owners of investment ideas as well as owners of establishments under construction, to enable them to understand the mechanism of establishing projects, and help them transform their ideas into realistic projects, while designing the project's operational plan and building its commercial identity.

Tatweer Program

Tatweer Program

A specialized program for the owners of existing projects, which helps the owner of the establishment to rediscover and analyze the status of the project and identify the causes of failure, then rebuild the operations of operating projects, the institutional organization, and a business model to expand and move towards the right path.

Restaurants and cafes program

Restaurants and cafes program

The training program aims to explain the concepts and methods of operating and managing food and beverage sector projects and the most prominent features and challenges of the market by clarifying the main steps in the success and establishment of restaurants and cafes brands, and how to build a solid operating base to facilitate daily operation and replicate the successes of these projects.

Digital Marketing Program

Digital Marketing Program

A program specialized in the basics of digital marketing for owners of small and micro projects, who wish to work in the field of digital marketing. The program covers the theoretical and cognitive side of digital marketing, with practical examples and applied experiences from the reality of the local market, to develop the digital skills of beneficiaries to develop their career paths or their business projects. .

e-commerce program

e-commerce program

برنامج موجه إلى الراغبين في بدء تجارتهم الإلكترونية وزيادة مستوى دخلهم، يهتم بالتعريف بأساسيات التجارة الإلكترونية وكيفية بدء الأعمال التجارية الناجحة عبر الإنترنت على أسس علمية وعملية توضح لهم طريقة إنشاء المتاجر الإلكترونية وإدارتها.

Funding Preparation Program

Funding Preparation Program

It is a program to prepare and enable the owners of micro and emerging enterprises to obtain the financing products provided by the Social Development Bank

Applications of artificial intelligence in smart marketing

Applications of artificial intelligence in smart marketing

Applications of artificial intelligence in smart marketing refer to the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques and applications in the field of marketing to analyze data, make smart decisions, and improve marketing strategies..

Skills in preparing economic feasibility studies

Skills in preparing economic feasibility studies

The importance of the feasibility study is that it gives the decision maker the information necessary to make correct investment decisions that help him achieve his goals. In the feasibility study course, the trainee will learn about the concept of projects, the feasibility study, and its importance in the stages of the project, then learn about the basic elements of the feasibility study, including the market study, the technical study, knowledge of the founding, capital, and operational costs, the financial study, and learn through it the economic indicators of the project and the financial statements.