Rehabilitation and empowerment of the non-profit sector

Rehabilitation of beneficiaries of associations to start their projects and achieve self-sufficiency

Providing training programs to help productive families understand and study their projects technically and economically and prepare them to obtain direct financing or through financing intermediaries.

Building microfinance units for private and cooperative societies

It is a program to prepare non-profit organizations to create financing portfolios and qualify their employees to carry out the roles and tasks required towards the beneficiaries to achieve self-sufficiency for them and their families.

Specialized consulting for productive families and microenterprises

The center allows productive families to communicate with a distinguished team of consultants in various fields such as: employment, feasibility study, e-commerce, finance, marketing and others.

Events, exhibitions and temporary permanent sales outlets for productive families

يقيم المركز عدد من الفعاليات و المعارض التي تساهم في بناء حلقة وصل بين الأسر المنتجة والخبراء و الموردين في هذا المجال، و تعتبر هذه الفعاليات قناة تواصل للأسر المنتجة مع عملائهم و منافذ بيع لعرض منتجاتهم

Events, exhibitions and temporary permanent sales outlets for productive families

Delnee Center offers a number of rehabilitation programs to qualify and empower workers in non-profit organizations to contribute to raising the level of performance of workers, which leads to raising the level of quality of services provided

Specialized consultancy to develop the capabilities of association employees

Delnee Center offers a number of rehabilitation programs to qualify and empower workers in non-profit organizations to contribute to raising the level of performance of workers, which leads to raising the level of quality of services provided

Specialized consultancy to develop the capabilities of association employees

Delnee Center offers a number of rehabilitation programs to qualify and empower workers in non-profit organizations to contribute to raising the level of performance of workers, which leads to raising the level of quality of services provided