
Supporting Activities

Presenting a set of events and forums by defining a clear scope for each event, its objectives and the target group, such as:

Legal Bidding Forum

ملتقى العطـــــاء القانونـــــــــــــــــي

Dulani’s compass

بوصلة دلني

Consult Dulani

شور دلني
حلول دلنــي

Dulani’s solutions

ملتقــى فرص تجارية واعدة

Promising Business Opportunities Forum

ديوانية دلني

Dulani’s Diwaniyah

بوصلة دلني

Dulani’s compass

A monthly meeting that aims to shed light on the different sectors of entrepreneurs and brings them together with expertise, investors, and the supporting and enabling parties through the establishment of several meetings, programs and seminars. 6 compasses has been organized during the past period.

ملتقى العطاء القانوني

Legal Bidding Forum

It aims to spread the culture of mentorship and its importance in the business sector to create a basic ground for building a network and exchanging experiences and expertise between project owners and specialized mentors.

حلول دلني

Dulani’s solutions

An event that brings together a selection of consultants and business facilitators with entrepreneurs and owners of small and micro enterprises, through which several individual consultations are provided, and three specialist events are held.

ديوانية دلني

Dulani’s Diwaniyah

A periodic meeting held every 3 months, characterized by a friendly nature, linking young entrepreneurs with decision leaders in the region, including their Excellencies responsible ministers for various fields related to small and emerging projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

شـــــور دلني

Consult Dulani

An annual forum that brings together a selection of volunteer consultants and experts to provide specialized advice to entrepreneurs and owners of micro-enterprises in more than 20 fields through more than 100 beneficiaries to serve 1000 beneficiaries daily.

ملتقى فرص تجارية واعدة

Promising Business Opportunities Forum

A forum that aims to introduce promising future opportunities in different fields and share practical experiences by experts and pioneers in the same field.